16 Managed Print Service Questions You Should Be Asking


Feb 10, 2020 9:00:00 AM


Best Managed Print Service

Uncovering the Right. Results-Driven Partner.

Every Managed Print Service provider claims they're the best. But only a thorough evaluation will reveal who can actually deliver for your organization. Take a serious look at your potential MPS partners and use these 16 critical questions to discover which one is right for you.

1.Can the provider support efforts to secure project sponsorship and communicate change throughout my organization?

Does the provider have the experience, resources and capabilities to get buy-in from all levels and departments? Do they have past examples of how they helped get everyone on board?

2.What tools does the provider offer to accurately assess current infrastructure?

Do they have dedicated assessment software as well as methodologies to perform a comprehensive investigation? Does the provider develop a road map to move to an ideal state?

3.How will the provider accurately measure and report cost reductions?

Will savings be easily identified and accurately reported? Can I personally track cost reductions through a client dashboard? Will the provider be able to tell me when, where and how cost reductions occur?

4.Can the MPS provider manage office, production and marketing services across your entire enterprise?

Does the provider have recognized experience in all three of these critically important yet very different areas of your organization?

5.Does the provider have solutions that address environmental sustainability goals?

What technology, services or strategies provide ongoing sustainability efforts like energy efficiency and print reduction? Do they offer different levels of energy management solutions?

6.How well can the provider integrate within my IT infrastructure?

How do they ensure that the transition to the ideal print environment state is smooth?

7.Security is a serious concern today. Does the provider collaborate with best-in-class security companies like Cisco and McAfee to deliver embedded hardware security solutions?

Do they have the software, technology and know how to help protect your organization’s data and intellectual property?

8.How will the provider support my mobile workforce?

Do they have a solution that integrates with the cloud, secures mobile workers and supports mobile print? How has the provider improved their clients’ mobile capabilities in the past?

9.Can the provider improve workflow automation or optimize business processes?

What software and technology do they offer to simplify and streamline workflows? What role will automation play?

10.Can the provider quantify performance or continuous improvement?

What analytics, reporting or insight tools do they provide to increase oversight and visibility?

11.Does the provider have a proven track record?

Can they demonstrate experience delivering MPS solutions? Do they have any third-party industry recognition? What does their client list look like?

12.Does the provider have the strategic vision to grow with my needs in the future?

How do they support an organization’s long-term goals and focus on wider initiatives beyond cost savings?

13.Does the MPS provider define managed print as just printers and consumables…or do they include the print server, driver and queue management?

There’s more to printer management than what users see.

14.Can the provider manage print services and/or devices, regardless of manufacturer?

What manufacturers do they support? What percentage of the equipment they currently manage under contract is competitive equipment?

15.Can the provider offer scalability, flexibility or global delivery capabilities?

What strategies do they have in place to address potential scalability and growth? Is scaling my offering up and down easy? Do they have examples of when they were able to be flexible with an offering for past clients?

16.Is the provider serious about helping you print less?

It might sound counter intuitive, but do they have real digital alternatives that help you print less and be more efficient with digital documents?


Digital Printing

MPS is no minor step forward. It has the potential to accelerate your business and take your organization to another level. Asking the tough questions now will help you realize that potential down the line.


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