Xerox DocuShare Flex flex-img1Content Management Platform is a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) application that can help SMB and enterprise departments deliver digital transformation to both customers and employees.

Designed to help SMBs and enterprise departmental teams easily manage and organize their business content and set up business rules to automate and drive common processes, it has tools you need to help you manage your business effectively.


Xerox DocuShare Flex Makes it Simple

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With its advanced capabilities, you’re empowered to connect to line-of-business applications and create custom document types to support your unique departmental needs. Deployment takes days, not months, and requires little to no IT support or employee training thanks to its cloud-based, intuitive design. Users can get started immediately.
Most importantly, DocuShare Flex is highly scalable to meet changes in user numbers, storage space and specific process requirements.
Securely Access Content, and Manage Its Lifecycle
No matter where your employees are or what device they’re
on, they can have quick and secure access to individual or team content. This is available across desktops, browsers and mobile devices 24/7. And with a powerful full-text search engine, employees can easily find files in just seconds.

Control who can access, author and view documents. You can conveniently protect content with user and group ability to set access controls, as well as an administrator view of all permissions. In addition, you can enable automated data archiving, reviews and destruction, and benefit from reporting and security audit trails.

Capture for Xerox DocuShare FlexStreamline Scanning to the Cloud

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Allows on-demand capture, classification and validation of a wide array of documents—from invoices and sales orders to contracts and legal files—with automatic cloud-based OCR, into Xerox DocuShare Flex. Plus, viewing and indexing capabilities are seamlessly integrated into the DocuShare Flex web interface.

The key features of Capture for Xerox DocuShare Flex

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  • Increase your image processing capabilities.
  • Improve your workflow and collaboration efforts.
  • Effortless creation and storage of searchable PDF documents
  • Seamless integration with DocuShare Flex interface
  • Easy capture, indexing and saving of scanned documents, as well as documents uploaded from a mobile device or dragged and dropped from your PC desktop
  • Automatic, cloud-based OCR in all languages
  • Barcoded separator sheets for faster batch scanning
  • Image refinement with de-skew, de-speckle,compression and rotation, and PDF export

DocuShare Flex FAQ

  1. What is a Document Management System?
Document management systems are essentially electronic filing cabinets your organization can use as a foundation for organizing all digital and paper documents. Any hard copies of documents can simply be uploaded directly into the document management system with a scanner.
  1. How do users find documents once they have been uploaded?
In DocuShare Flex, users enter metadata and tags that can be used to organize all stored files. Once files are organized, a built-in search engine allows users to quickly navigate libraries to access the appropriate documents.
  1. How secure are my documents? Do all users have access to every file?
In DocuShare Flex, users can set security restrictions to control which users have access to which files. This ensures that employees see only the documents they should. For example, personnel contracts can be set to be available only to HR staff rather than every member of the organization.
  1. Do I need an On-Premise or Cloud-Based Document Management System?
The biggest benefit to an on-premises system is that you are always in control of your system and not relying on anyone else to keep it up and running. You're not dependent on the internet either. If your online connection goes down, you still have access to all your documents.
The biggest benefit to a cloud-based system is you don't need an IT team to install the software and keep it running properly, and that there aren't any large upfront costs. You also can tap into these systems from anywhere that has online access, and you don't need to back up your files, since they automatically save in the cloud. Also, cloud-based solutions safely store user data offsite.
  1. What is the difference between Google Drive and DocuShare Flex?
Google Drive allows users to easily access and collaborate on files from anywhere on any device but it is difficult to control access rights. If a user can edit a document, they can also delete it, move it and share access without restriction. DocuShare Flex can set user-based security to control document access and keeps a history of who accesses the document and what changes were made.
Google Drive does not provide a way to document versions which may allow users to work on an out of date or an incorrect version of the document. DocuShare Flex allows the document owner to approve and lock down the final or appropriate version of the document. Reducing the risk of work being done based on the wrong information.

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