Important Notice: We've been alerted to instances of imposters falsely claiming to be representatives of Green Office Partner, contacting individuals and requesting sensitive information. To protect yourself from potential fraud, please do not share any personal information without first participating in a face-to-face interview with an official member of our team. Always check all email correspondence for "" with no variation on our domain.
Green Office Partner is hiring a full-time and salaried, highly skilled Field Service Technician, to assist in supporting our contracted and break-fix clients. A candidate should be experienced in HP Printer & MFD repair (Xerox is a big plus), be a team player and have a great attitude! You should be mechanically inclined, comfortable interacting with clients, have basic network connectivity skills and not be afraid of a sales opportunity.
Click on "Apply Now" below to access openings
As one of the Premier Managed Print Companies in Chicago we are hiring after another year of 40% growth! We are seeking a Senior Support Specialist to manage our fast paced sales department, as well as manage 150+ accounts, including some of Chicago's most prestigious companies.
Click on "Apply Now" below to access openings
Green Office Partner is hiring a highly skilled Solutions Analyst/IT support specialist for solutions, help desk and client support functions. Team contribution includes the implementation of software, connectivity and customer workflow functions. Provide service as primary technical interface between Green Office Partner and the customer's IT department.
Click on "Apply Now" below to access openings
Green Office Partner delivers managed print services to help your small and medium businesses (SMBs) centralize management of all your devices—including printers, copiers and multifunction printers from multiple manufacturers.