Robotic Process Automation

Take your business to the next level to maximize efficiency. Streamline administrative work and save on labor costs with robotic process automation (RPA), freeing up your team to focus on higher-priority tasks.

To guarantee your satisfaction, we offer a 30-day Free Trial, providing a risk-free opportunity to experience the transformative power of our automation solutions firsthand.

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Imagine having digital assistants, called “bots”, that take care of repetitive tasks for you. Our RPA solution streamlines your workflow, saving you time and resources.

No matter the size or industry of your business, we have tailored solutions to automate your processes, making your operations smarter and more efficient.

What Can RPA Do For Your Business?

Increase Efficiency

Slow, manual tasks will become fast, thoughtless automations run in the background.

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Control Costs

Reduce your labor expenses by automating repetitive tasks.

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Reprioritize Your Staff

Reallocate your staff toward higher-priority projects while bots handle the busy work.

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Add More Hours in the Day

Have bots work on tasks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of PTO and holidays.

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Greater Flexibility

RPA bots can easily handle spikes in demand or unexpected busy periods that require more work than expected.

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Digitally Transform Your Business

RPA can help your team log and digitize your documentation quickly and with few errors.

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Reduce Errors

Meet your compliance standards with dependable bots designed to eliminate human error.

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Bridge Systems

RPA links legacy or proprietary systems, enabling automation where previous efforts failed.

RPA Bots for Every Sector of Business

Xerox’s Robotic Process Automation bots provide support across the business. Here’s a selection of the capabilities available. Get more details in our Bot Catalog.

Increase Efficiency

Compares historical data to perform margin analysis for specific products and recommends the best price to sales and pricing teams.

Accounts Payable Invoice Processing Bot

Extracts information from invoices and validates tax, purchase orders, goods received notes, and payment terms and dates. Pays invoices accordingly.

Accounts Receivable Bot

Extracts information from cash receipt and validates tax, customer invoices, payment terms, and dates. Applies cash received to the appropriate invoice.

Claims Automation Bot

Extracts information from claim documents and transfers the information for processing.

Customer Billing Bot

Prepares and sends invoices to customers.

Order Track and Trace Bot

Tracks shipment status of orders dispatched to customers and provides updates via email and portal.

Safety Stock Monitor Bot

Monitors safety supplies inventory and places orders to maintain stock.

Email Campaigns Bot

Sends promotional email campaigns to customers.

Sales Reports Bot

Creates reports from multiple sources of information and automatically delivers them via email for increased productivity and meaningful time savings, anytime, anyplace.

Attendance Management Bot

Sends Registers employee check-in and check-out details. promotional email campaigns to customers.

Resource Utilization Bot

Performs resource utilization across accounts

Digital Mail Assistant Bot

Identifies the recipient’s email address and sends a scanned copy of the physical mail to their inbox.

Exhibit Packaging Bot

Processes and packages legal exhibits quickly and accurately, creating new levels of efficiency.

Payroll Automation Bot

Uploads payroll statements into the bank portal for salary disbursement and payroll processing.

Employee Onboarding Bot

Sends welcome emails to new employees with onboarding instructions.

Swivel Seat Automation Bot

Automates agent actions on the desktop, such as swivel seats, asset management of the database, and administration in the ticketing tool.

Password Reset Bot

Allows passwords to be reset directly from the logon screen or by web access.

Excel to App/Excel Reconciliation Bot

Ensures that data between an application and a report or between two reports are in sync.

License Management Bot

Automatically assigns a license to an end-user after validating the necessary requirements, such as a contract or an order.

Auto Scripts Bot

Set of scripts and bots that automates troubleshooting by processing steps to resolve common technical issues and requests.

Our Assessments for RPA

Looking to use RPA to your business’s advantage?

Conducting an RPA assessment is our way of understanding your needs, identifying any inefficiencies in your workflow that could be improved with automation. We look at factors like costs, number of employees, office equipment, and others. Our goal is that by the end of the assessment, you will have a thorough understanding of which areas of your business could benefit from automation.
We create a customized and focused service experience for each client. Below, we break down our assessment process step by step.


Assess Processes and Improve Efficiency

Identifying Goals

Begin by pinpointing the repetitive, rule-based tasks across your departments that demand a significant amount of manual effort. Once you've listed these tasks, our team steps in to map out these processes. This initial mapping is crucial for visualizing the flow of each task, helping us identify any inefficiencies or bottlenecks that could be elegantly solved with RPA.


Discover our step-by-step approach to integrating RPA into your business, enhancing efficiency and driving towards your strategic goals.


Using the information we’ve gathered from research and from our meetings with your staff, we’ll create a presentation of our findings to your leadership team. We’ll shed light on where your processes currently are, where you want to be, and how we intend to get you there. We’ll present you with our final RPA package.

onboarding, Implementation and Integration

Once all parties have agreed to move forward and contracts have been signed, we’ll begin scheduling delivery dates, handled by our in-house team to ensure new equipment and software are installed correctly. We’ll provide training for your team, so that by the time we leave, you’re team will be able to use every nice device to the best of their abilities.

monitoring and optimization

Installation is only the beginning of your partnership with Green Office Partner. We provide you with hands-on service and support for every device under our contract. And thanks to our partnership with Xerox, we can dispatch badged technicians to your site within 4-24 hours of a support ticket, regardless of where in the US or Canada your device is located.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Robotic Process Automation used?

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Robotic process automation (RPA) is used to transform business processes and workflows across various industries by automating repetitive and rule-based tasks. Here's how Xerox drives efficiency and productivity through our RPA platform:

Document Processing and Management:

RPA solutions are employed to automate document-related tasks, such as scanning, data extraction, indexing, and archiving. This streamlines document management processes, reduces manual errors, and accelerates information retrieval.

Invoice and Payment Processing:

Utilized to automate the end-to-end invoice processing cycle. This includes data extraction from invoices, validation, approval routing, and payment processing, leading to faster invoice turnaround times and improved cash flow management.

Customer Service and Support:

Assists organizations in enhancing customer service by automating routine inquiries, order processing, and issue resolution. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by RPA can provide 24/7 support, improving customer satisfaction.

HR and Employee Onboarding:

Xerox RPA is leveraged to streamline HR processes, such as employee onboarding, payroll processing, and benefits administration. It automates tasks like data entry, document generation, and compliance checks, enabling HR teams to focus on strategic activities.

Supply Chain Optimization:

RPA solutions optimize supply chain operations by automating demand forecasting, order processing, inventory management, and vendor communication. This leads to reduced lead times, lower costs, and improved inventory accuracy.

Finance and Accounting:

Applied to automate financial processes, including accounts payable and receivable, financial reporting, and reconciliation. It ensures accuracy, compliance, and faster financial close cycles.

Healthcare Claims and Billing:

In the healthcare sector, Xerox RPA automates claims processing, eligibility verification, and billing, reducing claim denials, improving revenue cycle management, and enhancing patient experiences.

Manufacturing and Quality Control:

Assists manufacturers in automating quality control processes by monitoring production lines, detecting defects, and triggering corrective actions. This improves product quality and reduces production downtime.

Legal Document Management:

In the legal field, Xerox RPA is used for document review, categorization, and due diligence. It speeds up the document-intensive processes associated with legal cases and transactions.

Data Security and Compliance:

Helps ensure data security and compliance by automating data backup, access control, and audit trail creation. It also assists in managing data retention policies and responding to data security incidents.

IT Operations and Helpdesk Support:

Automates routine IT tasks like user provisioning, password resets, and software updates, allowing IT teams to focus on strategic projects and complex technical issues.


RPA is a versatile technology that can be customized to address specific business needs, drive operational efficiency, reduce costs, enhance accuracy, and improve the overall customer and employee experience. By automating repetitive tasks, Xerox RPA allows organizations to allocate their resources more strategically and adapt to the evolving demands of the digital age.

What is the difference between RPA and AI?


RPA is a versatile technology that can be customized to address specific business needs, drive operational efficiency, reduce costs, enhance accuracy, and improve the overall customer and employee experience. By automating repetitive tasks, Xerox RPA allows organizations to allocate their resources more strategically and adapt to the evolving demands of the digital age.

Does RPA need coding?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions are designed to be user-friendly and typically do not require extensive coding expertise. Xerox RPA platforms often feature low-code or no-code development environments, allowing users to configure and automate processes using intuitive visual interfaces. This approach empowers business users and subject matter experts to create and deploy RPA bots without the need for advanced coding skills, accelerating the adoption and implementation of automation within organizations. However, for more complex tasks or advanced integrations, coding capabilities may still be beneficial, but they are not a strict requirement for leveraging Xerox RPA solutions effectively.

What features and capabilities are important in Robotic Process Automation?

The following features and capabilities are important in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces empower business users to design, configure, and manage RPA bots without the need for extensive coding skills, facilitating rapid adoption within organizations.
  2. Scalability: RPA platforms should allow organizations to scale automation efforts easily to accommodate growing business needs, ensuring long-term viability and flexibility.
  3. Integration: Seamless integration capabilities are crucial to enable RPA bots to work harmoniously with existing systems and applications, ensuring a cohesive automation ecosystem.
  4. Security and Compliance: RPA solutions should prioritize robust security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with industry regulations and data protection standards.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Advanced analytics and reporting features provide insights into bot performance, process efficiency, and potential areas for optimization, aiding in data-driven decision-making.
  6. Cognitive Automation: Incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities into RPA technology enhances its ability to handle unstructured data, make decisions, and adapt to complex scenarios.
  7. Process Orchestration: RPA platforms should offer process orchestration capabilities to manage end-to-end processes seamlessly, spanning multiple bots and human interventions.
  8. Exception Handling: Effective exception handling mechanisms allow RPA bots to handle unexpected scenarios and errors gracefully, ensuring process continuity.
  9. Audit Trails: Comprehensive audit trails and logs enable organizations to track and monitor bot activities for compliance and accountability purposes.
  10. Support and Training: Access to robust customer support and training resources is vital to ensure that organizations can effectively implement, maintain, and optimize their RPA solutions.

Xerox believes that RPA technology should provide a comprehensive set of features and capabilities that empower organizations to automate processes efficiently, securely, and in a way that aligns with their unique business objectives and requirements.

Is RPA secure for my business?

Security is a top priority in Xerox Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions. Xerox's RPA offerings are designed with robust security measures to protect your business. This includes data encryption, access controls, audit trails, and compliance features to ensure that your automation processes are secure and aligned with industry standards and regulations. Xerox believes in providing RPA solutions that offer peace of mind when it comes to data protection and security for your business.

Is RPA secure for my business?

Scaling Robotic Process Automation (RPA) involves a strategic approach that considers several key factors. It begins by identifying additional processes suitable for automation and prioritizing them based on their impact on your business objectives. Governance policies are established to manage a growing number of bots while ensuring compliance and security. To effectively scale, expand training programs to empower more employees to manage bots, and continuously optimize existing RPA processes to improve efficiency and maximize the benefits of automation. Xerox understands that successful RPA scaling is a dynamic process that requires a blend of strategy, technology, and a focus on the evolving needs of your organization.


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