Printer security breach?
Not on your watch.

Defend your Network with the world's most secure printers.

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Printer Security - Chicago Managed Print Service Company
Chicago based managed print services company can help secure your devices


Printing & imaging devices store user credentials & other sensitive data that can be accessed, if it’s not encrypted or regularly erased.

Green Office Partner can help you secure your printer network

Network Data

Printers reside on your company network. They can be hacked like a computer and be an entry point for malware and viruses.

Green Office Partner can help you save money by outsourcing your corporate printing


Unprotected input and output trays can lead to loss of sensitive data or theft of special paper, like check stock.

Green Office Partner can monitor your printing devices to minimize downtime


Lack of centralized printer control can lead to inefficient, incomplete and time-intensive efforts by IT to establish and maintain printer security settings.

Green Office Partner can secure your printing network

Access Control

Without a pull printing requirement, sensitive documents may be retrieved by any user. Anyone with access to printer settings can exploit permissions.

Free Security Assessment

Ready to take the first step towards protecting your confidential data and preserving your reputation? Take this free print security assessment from Green Office Partner to identify vulnerabilities in your print environment.

The Cost of A Security Breach

Financial Loss

3.79 M

The average cost of a data breach


Record Costs


The average cost per lost or stolen record is $154


Lost Business


The cost of abnormal customer turnover, increased customer acquisition activities, reputation losses and diminished goodwill

Chicago Based managed print services company - Green Office Partner can help with print security

PC-Class protection for your printers

Today's printers look a lot like PCs - why not protect them like a PC? Printers are connected into networks, contain advanced hardware, software and firmware more than ever before. More features mean greater usability, but access creates vulnerable end-points that need to be protected from attack. With the quantity and cost of hacks rising year over year and more regulation surrounding the handling of personal information, print security is more important than ever. Green Office Partners Security solutions and self-securing devices can help you meet security threats head on!

What are you waiting for? Take back control of your office's printing today!

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